Gold Award Northumberland Tourism AmbassadorsandEngland’s Coast Ambassadors for Northumberland
Self Catering
FeaturingNorthumberland’s Premier self-cateringaccommodation providers
Sykes Holiday Cottages have a fantastic selection of self-catering properties located in the charming town of Amble and the wider Northumberland region. Each cottage is hand-picked to ensure the perfect property for each and every taste –with the opportunity to bring along your canine companion should you wish! You’ll be sure to find some fantastic features too, such as hot tubs, impressive gardens, games rooms and stunning sea views. Visit our website to discover your next Northumberland escape.Telephone: 01244 35669Email:
NorthumbriaCoast&CountryCottagesLtdisthefirstandlongestestablishedlettingrentalagency specialisinginselfcateringholidaycottagesacrossNorthumberlandandtheBorderregion.Withan impressiveportfolioofpersonallyinspectedholidaycottagesinprimelocationsthroughout Northumberland,wehavesomethingforeveryone-fromcosycottagestoromanticretreatsfor couples,elegantapartmentstostylishbarnconversions,luxuryhousesforcelebrationstocoastal gems for large family gatherings.Notsurewheretostay?Withateamoflocal,knowledgeableandfriendlystaff,thereisalways someone on hand to assist you in your choice and ensure you have a fantastic holiday experience.For further details visit: 01665 830783 or 01665 720690 Email or call into our local sales offices in Alnmouth or Seahouses.
Simply Owners has a perfect selection of self-catering holiday cottages in and around Northumberland. Simply Owners lets you book directly with holiday home owners which means you pay no booking fees.Visit our Website: US ON FACEBOOK
Gold Award Northumberland Tourism AmbassadorsandEngland’s Coast Ambassadors for Northumberland
Self Catering
FeaturingNorthumberland’s Premier self-cateringaccommodation providers
Sykes Holiday Cottages have a fantastic selection of self-catering properties located in the charming town of Amble and the wider Northumberland region. Each cottage is hand-picked to ensure the perfect property for each and every taste –with the opportunity to bring along your canine companion should you wish! You’ll be sure to find some fantastic features too, such as hot tubs, impressive gardens, games rooms and stunning sea views. Visit our website to discover your next Northumberland escape.Telephone: 01244 35669Email:
NorthumbriaCoast&CountryCottagesLtdisthefirstand longestestablishedlettingrentalagencyspecialisinginself cateringholidaycottagesacrossNorthumberlandandthe Borderregion.Withanimpressiveportfolioofpersonally inspectedholidaycottagesinprimelocationsthroughout Northumberland,wehavesomethingforeveryone-fromcosy cottagestoromanticretreatsforcouples,elegantapartments tostylishbarnconversions,luxuryhousesforcelebrationsto coastal gems for large family gatherings.Notsurewheretostay?Withateamoflocal,knowledgeable andfriendlystaff,thereisalwayssomeoneonhandtoassist youinyourchoiceandensureyouhaveafantasticholiday experience.For further details visit: 01665 830783 or 01665 720690 Email or call into our local sales offices in Alnmouth or Seahouses.
Simply Owners has a perfect selection of self-catering holiday cottages in and around Northumberland. Simply Owners lets you book directly with holiday home owners which means you pay no booking fees.Visit our Website: FIND US ON FACEBOOK